What Is A Lightsaber Handle?

What Is A Lightsaber Handle?

Your lightsaber handle is more than just a pipe with the galaxy’s most elegant weapon sticking out of one end. It is the character of your saber, and the secret to all of your combat prowess! It is covered in character and brought to life through designs, patterns, shapes, and features that define it as your own! Each feature on your saber adds to your power as its master, and we’re here to give you a little rundown on what we know best.

For many saber-owners, the look and aesthetic of a saber is what draws them to one lightsaber handle or another. Maybe a massive, rugged saber featuring a grenade style, deep-grooved grip tickles your fancy? Or the alternative, a shorter design featuring a slender, smooth, and rounded grip that leads into a regal and elegant emitter? While there’s nothing wrong with selecting a lightsaber based on its looks to represent you in battle, many masters are purchasing their saber exclusively for combat, making every feature on the handle critical, including the lightsaber grip.

Lightsaber Handle Grip and Size

What Is A Lightsaber Handle?

The size shape of the lightsaber handle is arguably the most critical aspect of the saber, since it will dictate just what its master can and cannot do in combat. Choke points on lightsabers are perfect examples and possibly the most important features to consider on a saber, as they give their wielder the ability to spin and twirl the saber more easily than if the saber were a uniform shape.

The choke point on a lightsaber is the thinnest point of the handle, and is typically where the user’s main hand will rest when grasping the weapon. In addition to comfort, it allows them to twirl or spin the saber when blocking blaster fire, or picking up momentum for an attack. The choke point on a saber is most commonly near the top of the handle near the emitter, since this is the center of the saber’s balance. The closer the choke point is to this point, the easier it will be to spin, and will give its master the greatest level of control over the weapon. Having multiple choke points on a lightsaber will give the wielder the ability to switch the placement of their hand when spinning for either speed or power in their strikes.